PHP Comments

  1. Comments can be used to explain Python code.
  2. Comments can be used to make the code more readable.
  3. Comments can be used to prevent execution when testing code.

  1. PHP  Indentation
  2. PHP Variables

  1. PHP Data Types
  2. PHP Number
  3. PHP Casting
  4. PHP Strings
  5. PHP Boolean
  6. PHP Operator
  7. PHP Lists pm pppp
  8. PHP Tuples
  9. PHP Set
  10. PHP Dictionary
  11. PHP If..Else...
  12. PHP While
  13. PHP For
  14. PHP Functions
  15. PHP Lambda
  16. PHP Arrays
  17. PHP Class/Objects
  18. PHP Inheritence
  19. PHP Iterators
  20. PHP Scope
  21. PHP Modules
  22. PHP Dates
  23. PHP JSON
  24. PHP Regex
  25. PHP PIP
  26. PHP Try...Except
  27. PHP User Inputs 
  28. PHP String Formatting

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